Reliability and validity of standardized tests
Reliability and validity of standardized tests

A study from a professor at the University of Illinois concluded that college readiness decreases when schools focus on test scores.universities indicating that standardized test scores have gender and ethnicity bias. A study conducted by several faculty members at U.S.Researchers use census data to accurately predict test results, indicating a clear connection to factors outside of school control.Research from Washington State University tying parental income to standardized test scores.Research from a Professor at Northwestern University, saying that public policy makers are placing too much emphasis on standardized tests as a valid measure of student performance, noting that many of the technical reasons the tests are not valid are often ignored when decisions are made about their use.His interpretation is that there are many unaddressed reasons that standardized tests are not valid, and therefore it is dangerous to place a large amount of weight or stakes on the tests, especially if they are not corroborated by other more valid measures such as class grades. Research conducted by a Professor at Arizona State University with a PhD in Educational Psychology focusing on testing statistics and research.This article references a whitepaper from the Central Florida School Board Coalition about the misuse of standardized tests in Florida, including examples of how changing cut scores and introducing new calculations such as learning gains significantly affects outcomes.A Stanford University study shows how stereotypes prevent standardized tests from accurately measuring student performance.Research from a UCLA professor shows why standardized tests don’t measure educational quality.A study from MIT, Harvard and Brown University indicated that high standardized test scores do not translate to better cognition.Why Standardized Tests Don’t Measure Education Quality, by W.Standardized tests, in general, are not reliable sources for such high stakes decisions.

reliability and validity of standardized tests

There is, however, little to no agreed upon evidence that the test is an accurate measure of quality, leading to high stakes decisions (including teacher and administrator job losses and school closings) being made based on erroneous information. Other high stake uses of the FSA include potential student retention and graduation decisions. The FSA is mandated by the state for students in grades 3 – 10, and scores are used for high stakes purposes such as to evaluate teachers, administrators, schools and districts. The Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) was launched in 2015 as part of the statewide accountability system, as a replacement for its predecessor, the FCAT.

Reliability and validity of standardized tests